Safe Environment
Safe Environment Education Curriculum for Students - EC3 & EC4 classes
(As mandated by the Diocese of St. Petersburg)
St. Jerome ECC, through an age appropriate curriculum, weaves “safe environment” training for children into daily classroom life. Through the use of games, songs, stories, the Peacemakers group (4yr olds) and our weekly religion series, we present children with important life skills that empower them to help protect themselves and encourage them to respect themselves and others.
Here are the key ideas that we are presenting to the children:
(As mandated by the Diocese of St. Petersburg)
St. Jerome ECC, through an age appropriate curriculum, weaves “safe environment” training for children into daily classroom life. Through the use of games, songs, stories, the Peacemakers group (4yr olds) and our weekly religion series, we present children with important life skills that empower them to help protect themselves and encourage them to respect themselves and others.
Here are the key ideas that we are presenting to the children:
- An appreciation of God’s goodness and personal love for them
- The need to respect all people and all forms of life
- A sense of self worth
- A spirit of prayer and sense of God’s presence
- A sense that God loves all individuals and gives us families composed of members who help each other
- An understanding that God calls us to forgive those who hurt us
- A proper respect for the body as part of God’s creation
- Understanding that parts of their bodies should be respected
- Understanding that feelings can be managed
- How friends treat each other with respect
- Ways to report to trusted adults uncomfortable situations or relationships with others-
- The difference between “good” touch and “bad” touch
- A sense that individuals are loved by important people in their lives
- There are “good” choices and “bad” choices
- It is alright to say “No” to someone if you know what they are asking is wrong
- How to say I’m sorry
- How to experience forgiveness
- Parts of their bodies are private and should be respected
- There should be no secrets, and recognizes the importance of letting trusted adults know about uncomfortable situations or relationships with others until believed
- The difference between safe and harmful relationships
- Families love and care for each other
- The uniqueness of each person
- When an adult makes a mistake it is not a child’s fault