Mission Statement
St. Jerome Early Childhood Center, a Catholic community, provides a loving and accepting environment that fosters respect for all people by modeling Christian values as our children grow and learn.
Statement of Commitment
The Diocese of St. Petersburg remains committed to the Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People adopted by the United States Catholic Conference of Bishops. All employees and persons serving in ministry who are entrusted with the care, responsibility, or supervision of children, youth, and, or vulnerable adults are required to comply with fingerprint policy for background screening. Further, the Diocese has established safe environment training programs for employees and volunteers serving in parish and school communities. Anyone who had been harmed by someone serving in ministry is encouraged to contact law enforcement, the Florida Abuse Hotline at 800- 962- 2873, or the diocesan Victim Assistance Minister at 1-866-407-4505.
St. Jerome ECC encourages children to be actively involved in the learning process, to experience a variety of developmentally appropriate activities and materials, and to pursue their own interests as members of a Catholic community and God's world.

- To create an atmosphere where spiritual values are taught and developed.
- To cultivate in each child: compassion, tolerance, and acceptance of other people, in an effort to eliminate prejudice and discrimination of all kinds.
- To know and understand the families we serve.
- To invite and involve our families in the total school program.
- To support our families with regards to decisions affecting their children.
- To maintain a stimulating and positive learning environment and leadership opportunities, regardless of gender.
- To cultivate in each child a healthy respect for self and others, including his/her own innate talents.
- To provide a developmentally appropriate curriculum that strives to meet the individual needs of children.
- To provide a developmentally appropriate curriculum that strives to meet the individual needs of children.
- To develop and refine communication skills through the understanding and use of written and spoken language.
- To broaden each child's knowledge of his/her community and the many diverse cultures and peoples within it.
- To develop physical coordination and skills.
- To assist each child in exploring, discovering, and respecting the environment around him/her and to encourage sensitivity toward all living creatures.
- To provide a multitude of hands-on activities designed to instruct, in more tangible ways, mathematical and scientific concepts.
- To provide daily hands-on opportunities with current technology and computers.
- To support our teaching staff with resources and professional development opportunities that will encourage ongoing growth in the field of early childhood education.