GRACE & COURTESY / DISCIPLINE & EXPULSION POLICY Rev. 6/2017 INTENT & PURPOSE: Thank you for choosing to allow our staff to support your child’s development. St. Jerome ECC is committed to providing a safe, nurturing environment conducive to learning and growth. We strive to ensure all children are set up for success regardless of their needs or developmental level. We are committed to each child’s social emotional development. Behavior concerns tell us that children need more time, support and practice to develop their social and emotional skills. When serious concerns arise, we will partner with parents and professionals who specialize in supporting children’s social and emotional health. On rare occasions, we may work with families to seek the best care for their child if our program no longer meets the needs of an individual child. The goal of maintaining a positive and safe atmosphere within the classroom is explained to the children. The children assist the teaching staff in developing the following expectations.
“We listen”. To be able to listen to directions and prepare him/herself to participate in planned class activities. “We love one another”. To help children learn to interact with others; to share and help each other; to respect and care for school property and learning tools. “We use helping hands”. To help children understand how to use his/her body in a positive manner in the classroom. “We use walking feet”. To help children walk indoors and to understand classroom limits while they use inside space.
DISCIPLINE: Licensing prohibits children from being subjected to discipline, which is severe, humiliating, frightening, or associated with food, rest, or toileting. Childcare personnel never use physical punishment such as shaking or hitting and do not engage in psychological abuse or coercion. Childcare personnel never use threats or derogatory remarks and neither threaten to withhold or withhold food as a form of discipline.
REASONS FOR EXPULSON, SUSPENSION, OR DISMISSAL Every effort will be made to prevent the expulsion or dismissal of children from our program. However, St. Jerome ECC reserves the right to cancel the enrollment of a child for reasons, not limited to, but including, the following: Non-payment or excessive late payment of fees/tuition. Failure to adhere to policies and procedures as outlined in our Family Handbook. The parent/guardian exhibits behavior which is detrimental to the health and well-being of the children and staff in a classroom or negatively interferes with the normal functioning of the classroom and/or program. This includes but is not limited to: vulgarity, intimidation, harassment, or violation of child care licensing regulations. Failure of the child to adjust after a reasonable amount of time; the child may not be ready developmentally at this time. The child has needs which we cannot adequately meet with our current staffing patterns. The child’s behavior threatens the health & safety of him/herself, the other children or staff. Uncontrollable tantrums/angry outbursts. Bullying or hurting other children (pushing, kicking punching, cursing, etc.) Threatening other children with violent words. Other – at the discretion of the EC Director
STEPS TAKEN PRIOR TO EXPULSION Positive Behavior intervention supports include: Screenings Classroom/environment assessments Reaching out to inclusion specialists, specialized care teams, mental health consultants where available. Proactive Actions that will be taken to prevent expulsion: -Staff will try to redirect the child from negative behavior -Staff will teach the child appropriate skills to address challenging behaviors -Staff will reassess the environment, activities, and supervisions -Staff will always use positive methods and language while disciplining children; -Staff will celebrate appropriate behaviors -Staff will maintain strong connections with the child at all times -Staff will consistently apply consequences for rules -The EC Director will be consulted and may speak with the child -Incident report is written and signed by parents/guardian -Family will be notified of disruptive behaviors that might lead to expulsion -Teachers will work with families to develop positive behavior support strategies for continuity between home and school. -With parental consent, a specialized care team will be formed to address how to best support the child; through observations, accommodations, and, if necessary, outside agency referrals. -If inappropriate behaviors persists the family may be called to pick up their child. -If the behavior does not improve upon the child’s return to the center, the child is suspended for a period up to 5 days with the possibility of termination.
COMMUNICATION: FOSTERING POSITIVE RELATIONSHIPS WITH FAMILIES Our families… Communicate regularly with staff to ensure consistency in guidance between home and school. Partner with us and allow us time to work with all children, including those needing higher levels of support. Understand and acknowledge that children are learning appropriate behavior skills and the ECC strives to serve the individual needs of each child while ensuring the safety of all children. Know that to best serve children, we may need to partner with local professionals to help give a child the best foundation for their social, emotional and academic success.
TRANSITION TO ANOTHER PROVIDER On the rare occasion that another setting is needed we may work with families to seek the best care for their child if it is agreed that our program can no longer meet their needs.